Ok, its been far far to long since I posted anything and I've wasted much of the summer. my original goal was to have the hirigana, and possibly the katakana memorized by the end of the summer. Unfortunately I'm a queen of procrastination and haven't gotten quite to it. I have bought "Learning Japanese Hirigana and Katakana" by Takagaki & Henshall to help me.
Personally I've found I memorize things better if i repetitively write them down. such as learning to spell or my multiplication tables. When I was a kid my dad would help me with my spelling by going over the words for the next quiz and if I got one wrong he would have me write it out 10 times. It helped me, so I have a notebook I've been using to write out the hirigana in to assist in memorization.
Also I've finally bitten the bullet and bought a lifetime membership to textfugu.com.
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